I have been teaching mindfulness for over ten years and I love what I do. People that know me say that I become very animated and passionate when I am teaching. Zoom has allowed me to continue to do this during the pandemic and I am so grateful for this AMAZING technology.
Over the last year I’ve spent hours in Zoom meetings and I have noticed that my clients are always extremely happy to connect (especially during lockdown) and enjoy my coaching.I have noticed that zoom fatigue has started to creep in for some of us. Many people are complaining about how exhausted they feel after so many online sessions.
Why is Zoom Fatigue Real ?
When we are online there is a different quality to our attention especially if you are the presenter. We are hyper focussed on a few visual cues rather than having access to the full body language when we are in the same room.
I have found this particularly challenging when I am teaching mindfulness especially in some sessions where my clients have sometimes chosen to turn off their cameras so that they can relax .My mind immediately starts to wander- I either suspect them of multitasking or I am concerned about their wellbeing.I now insist that cameras are on even if we are doing a basic relaxation mindfulness practice.
Over the last six months I have tried many things to help establish this sense of connection and to make the entire process more relaxing and not so exhausting for everyone.
Here are my 5 tips to manage Zoom before it manages you:
- Take a few moments before clicking “Start” to settle and ground your attention. Take a few breaths, feel your body on the chair, notice whatever is present in your mind and allow yourself to fully arrive and be completely present. I start each zoom presentation with my famous energy exercise to wake everyone up and to make sure they are grounded. Massaging and stretching your ears a little is a great tip. Give it a go and notice how you feel.
- Greet everyone with your full attention. Offer your attention to each face that appears (if the group is not too big). Give yourself a moment for each person so that you can make an impression on each other and establish a meaningful connection. This is also a very respectful thing to do.
- Proactively Choose “speaker view.” In Zoom, one can choose Speaker View or Gallery View. I choose Speaker View so that the one person who is speaking has more of my attention and the others are more peripheral. This way it is much easier to focus on what is being said. There are far less distractions.
- Do NOT Multitask: It has been scientifically proven that the brain cannot effectively or efficiently switch between tasks, so you lose time. It takes four times longer to recognize new things, so you are not saving time; multitasking costs time. You can also make mistakes when you are multitasking.
- Try to take short breaks between sessions. Take a mindful refreshing break between sessions for your mind, body, and energy levels.
Zoom has allowed me to continue to run my business from the comfort of my own home. I can have important meetings while only dressed appropriately from the waist up. My cat Luna can be perched lovingly on my printer asleep while I am teaching stress reduction techniques.
I would not be without Zoom.
For more information on my series of mindfulness and mental health programs via Zoom visit my website :www.mindbodyenergy.com.au