Are You Eating Mindfully?

18 Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Eating Habits Mindful Eating is maintaining an in-the-moment awareness of the food that you put into your mouth. It involves focussing on how the food makes you feel and the signals your body sends about taste, satisfaction, and...

Simple Tips To Combat Mood Swings

Improve your mood with Mindfulness Meditation. I have been reading lots of posts on Facebook and Instagram recently where many people are complaining about mood swings .I must admit that sometimes I wake up with a skip in my step and I feel happy  when all of a...

Do you have Zoom Fatigue?

I have been teaching mindfulness for over ten years and I love what I do. People that know me say that I become very animated and passionate when I am teaching. Zoom has allowed me to continue to do this during the pandemic and I am so grateful for this AMAZING...

Gratitude is So Powerful.

Many researchers claim that a grateful attitude to life can help us manage our fears and build courage in our daily lives. Practicing gratitude at the onset of the pandemic was a challenge for many people. I think we were all a little overwhelmed with what was...

6 Simple “Mindful” Activities

Are you stuck at home during COVID and wondering how to be “mindful in your everyday life? Here are 6 simple “mindful activities” for you to integrate into your life. 1. One-minute mindfulness meditation. Get in a comfortable position and set your timer for one...